We get it. Sneaking into cupboards and finding a forgotten chocolate bar would surely bring great delight for many people. But how would you know if it is still good? Do chocolates have expiration dates?

Chocolates aren’t any different from other foods that get spoiled when not eaten after a long time. Even so, talking about the way of properly storing chocolates seems a little bit weird as some people would see it ridiculous and go on about how chocolates are immediately consumed after receiving it; knowledge on this all-time sweet delight’s mean life is beneficial for everyone (especially to chocolate enthusiasts out there).

How long does chocolate last

Knowing A Chocolate’s Shelf Life

A chocolate’s shelf life varies on its quality, type, and storage condition. Flavonoids, chocolates’ natural preservatives, show that they improve with age turning chocolates like fine wine. These groups of plant metabolites that have antioxidant effects keep fat from oxidizing. Chocolates also have little to no water activity, giving a lower chance of bacterial growth. In general, the best time to eat a bar of chocolate is before the expiration date indicated in its pack, although keep in mind that it’s still safe for consumption for way longer. Even so, there can be differences in appearance and taste.

Some ways to examine a chocolate’s shelf life (and determine if the forgotten Valentine gift is still worth it):

A chocolate’s shelf life depends on its variation:

It is also important to note that it is better and advisable to be stricter in snack chocolates than chocolates used as an ingredient. The “rawness” can still be worked on in an oven, and its quality might improve.

  1. Do a sniff-and-taste test. After going through the four steps above and still in-doubt, slice a tiny bit of chocolate. Sniff and taste it and use your judgment in determining if the chocolate is still good to consume.
How to store chocolate

Properly Storing A Chocolate

Making sure how this favorite treat is stored and packed gives peace of mind to any consumer. To enjoy a bar of creamy and savory chocolate, make sure to follow some of these quick tips:

Sweet Truth for the Sweet Tooth

No matter how long chocolate has been sitting on the fridge or the pantry, if it looks, smells, and tastes normal, then it is safe to eat. As said above, a chocolate’s shelf life varies in factors—quality, the number of ingredients, and storage condition. There is no more powerful judgment than your judgment and keep in mind that if there are molds in it or it doesn’t smell good, toss it in the bin right away.